Coriolis Flowmeters
The Coriolis flowmeter measures mass flow of fluids directly, compared to most other technologies, which measure volume flow. The accuracy is virtually unaffected by fluid temperature and viscosity and since there are no moving parts, almost any fluid can be accurately measured.
These meters are ideal in the food, chemical and petrochemical industries, and are perfect for the following:
- vegetable oils and fats
- homogeneous suspensions and slurries
- Adhesive, flue or binding materials
- Coatings and Hardeners
- Dyes, fragrances, vitamins and other additives
- Oil and fuels

Typical applications include filling or dosing of oils, solvents and chemicals. Also the precision measurement of biocides and fuel supply to burners in power plants. Likewise Coriolis flowmeters are tried and tested in lime milk density measurement, and even the pulp and paper industry.