We supply flow metering systems for a wide range of sanitary applications. Badger MagMeter - Tri-Clamp connection for food / sanitaryA sanitary flowmeter is ideal for the food and beverage industry, or indeed anywhere that clean, hygienic flowmeters are needed. Applications range from the following:

  • Non-invasive electromagnetic flow meters with PFA/Teflon liners.
  • Sanitary approved (3A, USDA, USPHS) flow meters capable of metering very high viscosity fluids such as doughs, syrups and creams.
  • FTI Sanitary Flowmeter SA Series3A approved flow turbines for de-ionised water and pharmaceutical applications.
  • Confectionery (including chocolate!), juices, pastes, flavourings and additives.
  • Clean-in-place and steam resistant flow meters.
  • Electronic system monitoring and control.
  • Brewery Applications.