Ultrasonic Flowmeters
Ultrasonic flowmeters are an ideal solution for applications where you would prefer not to break the line. Particularly they can be used with corrosive fluids and chemicals where material compatibility is an issue, and DI water. Also for high pressure as there is no pressure drop, and for sanitary environments. These meters use the ultrasonic transit time method to determine the flow rate, and so are installed on the outside of the existing piping. This allows for easy installation with a clamp-on sensor. Moreover no moving parts means no maintenance.
In addition, user-friendly portable systems are available.
For low viscosity liquids, FTI‘s QCT Series ultrasonic flow meters are accurate and reliable. This is due to a unique measurement section where the flow is conditioned and temperature change is measured along the axis of the flowmeter. There are no moving parts and no increase in pressure drop. An RTD embedded in the meter measures the temperature. These compact, lightweight meters are suitable for water based products, oils and many corrosive fluids.